Tim Storer (UofGlasgow)
Oct 01, 2019
Decompilers comparison: how independent are the code bases and dependencies - could similarities be due to common dependencies on lower level resources?
Tim Storer (UofGlasgow)
Oct 01, 2019
Decompilers comparison: Can you speculate as to the impact for later version of Java (9/10) with more complex features?
Oct 01, 2019
I recently heard a talk from Google that they reverse all novel language features to JDK 7? Would such a tool help decompilers?
Mark Hills
Oct 01, 2019
For decompilation: have you noticed specific features (e.g., inner classes, lambdas) that lead to recompilation problems?
Seongmin Lee
Oct 01, 2019
Decompilers comparison: Could you briefly explain the result of other equivalence (syntactic equivalence and readability)?
Jim C
Oct 01, 2019
Recall without precision is easy. Precision without recall is easy. So why create corpi to evaluate one without the other?