Darius Sas
Sep 23, 2018
What are the kinds of obfuscation do you apply to the code?
Adrien Guinet
Sep 23, 2018
Third talk: did you try to reverse engineer/decompile the generated binaries?
Sep 23, 2018
what is the best place to host tools? Personal Github page or something more stable?
Sep 23, 2018
Talk 3: what happens if there is a bug in the original Java code? How is the debugging workflow or experience?
Marco Bessi
Sep 23, 2018
3rd. How do you select the part of the java code that will be translated in c code?
Adrien Guinet
Sep 23, 2018
Third talk: would C++ exceptions help to implement Java ones?
Boris Pereira
Sep 23, 2018
Talk1: is obvucation really useful when someone know what kind of pattern was use? In other words are there reversable ?
Sep 23, 2018
Talk 2: can you reflect on saying that your static analysis is very conservative, while also saying that you use advanced analysis tools?
Dawn Lawrie
Sep 23, 2018
Talk 1: did you investigate the cost of your obfuscation in terms of running time, size of binaries, and memory?
Sep 23, 2018
1st talk: What form do user annotations take? Can you reflect on difficult it is to use this (e.g., unnecessary or incorrect annotations).